Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh

Take a view of Binh Lieu - an off-the-beaten-track place with a splendid and captivating beauty in the northeastern province of Quang Ninh.
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 1Some 110km from Ha Long City, it takes only two hours by motorbike to see the goden rice fields in Binh Lieu district, Quang Ninh province. (Source: VNA)
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 2Binh Lieu district is endowed with the wild and charming beauty of terraced fields and forest spreading as far as the eyes can see. (Source: VNA) 
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 3Binh Lieu is called 'little Sa Pa' by backpack tourists thanks to its four-season-in-one-day climate and its pristine landscapes (Source: VNA)
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 4The fields are among the main tourist attractions (Source: VNA)
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 5In November, tourists are enchanted by the ripe rice fields in the sunlight of the Autumn. (Source: VNA)
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 6Photo: VNA
The pristine and splendid beauty of forests. (Source: VNA)  
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 8At this time of the year, local farmers begin harvesting their rice crops. (Source: VNA)
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 9This unique sight will be gone in just a few weeks as rice is brought home. (Source: VNA)
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 10The picturesque river winds around the mountains and hills in the district. (Source: VNA)
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 11Springs sparkle under the sunlight. (Source: VNA)
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 12The endless terraced fields. (Source: VNA)
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 13A local farmer carries his rice home. (Source: VNA)
Bewitching beauty of golden rice fields in Quang Ninh ảnh 14Photo: VNA

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