Binh Phuoc (VNA) – Authorities of southern Binh Phuoc province and the six Cambodianprovinces bordering Vietnam joined in a working session in Binh Phuoc onFebruary 6 to review their cooperation in 2017 and map out tasks for 2018.
In 2017, Binh Phuoc had four investment projects totaling over 148 million USDin Cambodia. The projects mainly engaged in the plantation of rubber and cashewtrees and the processing and trading of products from these trees.
The province soldmore than 25 million KW of electricity to Cambodia while maintaining the supplyof electricity for daily use and production of border residents. It hasprovided support for the Cambodian localities and paid heed to agriculturecooperation.
The locality has so far completed the demarcation of 260.433 km of sharedborderline, including 27.809 km on land and 232.624 km on rivers. It has built218 border markers out of the defined 353 markers.
With wholehearted assistance from the Cambodian localities, Binh Phuoc’s forcesrepatriated 177 sets of remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers who died inCambodia during wartime.
The two sides maintained the regular sharing of information on the respectivesituations and promptly dealt with problems arising in border areas. Theirforces worked closely to manage the shared border, thus minimizing violationsof border regulations and facilitating residents’ travel to visit relatives andtrade goods.
Chairman of the Binh Phuoc People’s Committee Nguyen Van Tram affirmed thesound, close-knit, peaceful and friendly traditional ties between hislocalities and the six bordering provinces of Cambodia.
For their part, the leaders of the Cambodian localities noted that therelations between localities and the two nations have always been strengthenedand they expressed their gratitude to the Vietnamese people, volunteer soldiersand experts for helping the Cambodian people escape from the genocidal Pol Potregime.
They offered best wishesto Binh Phuoc people and authorities on the Lunar New Year (Tet) festival.-VNA