That was the messagefrom the “Vietnam NFT Summit - Solutions For A New Era” solution held inHanoi on June 4.
Ngo Duc Thang, Director of theGovernment Cipher Committee, said that blockchain is one form the digitaltechnology on the list of priorities for research, development and applicationfor the 4th Industrial Revolution, according to Decision No 2117/QD-TTg signed onDecember 16, 2020, by the Prime Minister.
Digital transactions throughblockchain would be promoted in many fields such as banking services,industrial production, energy, agriculture, healthcare, retail and consumption.In particular, blockchain can be applied to the public sector.
This technology will affectmany aspects of daily life and global business whether we realise it or not,and the investment opportunities coming from blockchain technology will betremendous.
Thang said: “In the future, theGovernment will continue to facilitate, encourage and promote businesses toproactively accelerate the digital transformation process in which blockchaintechnology is the mainstay. It is expected that by 2030, blockchain will create40 million jobs, and 10 – 20 percent of the global economic infrastructure willrun on blockchain technology systems."
Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance- the world's leading Blockchain development technology corporation, saidblockchain is a new technology for the digital economy. How countries adoptthis technology today will profoundly impact the future of the local economyand the world at large. More and more countries are showing their determinationto grasp and adequately apply blockchain technology to everyday life.
Zhao said: “I think that clearand effective regulation is essential for blockchain to be applied in everycorner of life, not just cryptocurrencies, DeFi or NFT.”
Zhao added that Binance iscontinuously licensed to operate in France, Italy, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, andDubai which is concrete evidence of the company's compliance with localregulations at all times.
He said: “Today, along with theactive activities of the Vietnam Blockchain Association, I pledge that Binancewill always comply with Vietnamese laws and put users first. Therefore,Vietnamese users in particular and users worldwide believe that Binance'splatform is one of the most secure and reliable in the world.”
The Vietnam BlockchainAssociation and Binance officially signed a cooperation agreement on theexchange of research/application of Blockchain Technology and Human ResourceTraining in Vietnam to promote the development of blockchain technology andbuild a bridge with other significant technology corporations around the world.
Phan Duc Trung, Vice Presidentof Vietnam Blockchain Association, hopes that the agreement will bring value tothe business community in Vietnam, creating a workforce mastering hightechnology and contributing policy advice to the State's management agencies.
He said: "We believe thatthis is one of the proper steps, following the direction of the Vietnamesegovernment towards a digital government, a digital economy, bringingsustainable growth values for a prosperous Vietnam.
“In its role, the associationconnects and gathers the blockchain community in the country and builds abridge to bring Vietnamese products to the world and attract more internationalresources to Vietnam. The Association will also promote personnel training andattract international investment into Vietnam."
“Vietnam NFT Summit - Solutionsfor A New Era” was a part of a series of exchange events forresearch/application of blockchain Technology and Human Resource Training in Vietnamand worldwide between Binance and the Vietnam Blockchain Association. Theprogramme includes discussion panels, signing cooperation and exchangeagreements, and various networking activities for the enterprises applying andgrowing blockchain in Vietnam and discourse activities and signing exchangeagreements.
On April 27, the VietnamBlockchain Association was officially launched to promote the development ofthe blockchain industry and technology and be a bridge for businesses, with thedesire to encourage technology application and contribute to the national economicgrowth.
The Vietnam BlockchainAssociation became the first official legal entity to gather enthusiasts forblockchain technology research and application throughout Vietnam. One of thecentral goals of the Association is to promote the digital economy and bringVietnam to the international level in the digital economy./.