The CAAV asked airports to continue calling on staff and passengers towear masks at terminals and on all means of transport, have their temperatures checked,and wash their hands with soap or sanitiser with at least 60 percent alcohol.
Airports must quickly identify any passengers exhibiting abnormalsymptoms and report these to health authorities, and regularly spraydisinfectant on equipment and in high-risk areas to mitigate the spread of thevirus.
The CAAV also ordered airports to ask passengers to strictly followprevention and control measures before and during flights, in particularwearing masks onboard, and for flight crews to follow regulations on quarantinein accordance with guidelines from the National Steering Committee on COVID-19Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health.
Earlier, the Northern Airports Authority decided to temporarily shutdown Van Don International Airport in Quang Ninh from midday on January 28 to middayon January 29./.