Cambodia: fainting foreigner not caused by coronavirus

Cambodia's Ministry of Health on February 9 denied posts on social media that the fainting of a foreigner at the Phnom Penh International Airport was caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
Cambodia: fainting foreigner not caused by coronavirus ảnh 1Cambodia's Ministry of Health denies posts on social media that the fainting of a foreigner at the Phnom Penh International Airport was caused by 2019-nCoV. (Source:

Phnom Penh (VNA) - Cambodia's Ministry of Health on February 9 denied posts on social media that the fainting of a foreigner at the Phnom Penh International Airport was caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

Spokesman of the Ministry of Health Ly Sovann said that after medical examination of the Indian-British man, his fainting was diagnosed to be caused by exhaustion.

Earlier,  on February 7, Cambodian media reported that Jia Jianhua, 60, a Chinese citizen, the first and only person who has been tested positive for 2019-nCoV, has been gradually recovering and could be discharged from hospital as early as next week.

According to Cambodian officials, more than 3,000 Chinese citizens from Wuhan city have come to Cambodia since the outbreak of 2019-nCoV-caused acute respiratory disease in China. They arrived in Cambodia before Chinese authorities decided to close Wuhan city on January 23 in order to prevent the disease from spreading.

At present, local administrations in Cambodia are keeping a close watch on related situations as part of efforts to fight the disease./.

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