Cambodia, Myanmar destroy large volume of drugs

Cambodia burnt down 1.5 tonnes of marijuana, methamphetamine and heroin, which were seized from crackdowns on drug crimes.
Cambodia, Myanmar destroy large volume of drugs ảnh 1 Illustrative photo (Photo:VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Cambodia burnt down 1.5 tonnes of marijuana, methamphetamine and heroin, which were seized from crackdowns on drug crimes, in response to the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (June 26).

Deputy Prime Minister Ke Kim Yan, who also heads the National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD), said that the destroyed drugs include 1.49 tonnes of dry marijuana, 1.5 kilogrammes of marijuana oil, 67.4 kilogrammes of methamphetamine and 0.34 kilogram of heroin.

Cambodia has been affected by drug trafficking from regions in the world, especially from the Golden Triangle, he said, adding that criminals attempted to use Cambodia as a drug transit point for exporting to the third countries.

Statistics from the NACD reveals that Cambodian security force cracked 3,061 drug cases, arresting 7,008 suspects and seizing 1.6 tonnes of drug in last year.

According to Cambodian regulations, life imprisonment will be given to anyone trafficking more than 80 grammes of drug but the country has no death sentence for drug traffickers.

On the occasion, Myanmar authorities also destroyed 56 million USD worth of seized drugs. Last year, the country destroyed a drug volume valued at 244.65 million USD to mark the international day against drug.

Myanmar is the largest poppy growing country in the Southeast Asian region and is the world’s second largest after Afghanistan.

The Government is working to raze the drug traffickers and enlarge its drug elimination plan from 2014-2015 to 2018-2019.-VNA


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