Thailand, Australia shake hands in fighting transnational crime

Police and investigation authorities of Thailand and Australia will form a joint task force to combat crime syndicates and drug trafficking organisations in Southeast Asia.
Thailand, Australia shake hands in fighting transnational crime ảnh 1Crystal meth (Illustrative image. Photo: VNA)

Sydney (VNA) – Police and investigation authorities of Thailand and Australia will form a joint task force to combat crime syndicates and drug trafficking organisations in Southeast Asia.

On May 30, Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Andrew Colvin signed an agreement with Thai Justice Minister General Paiboon Koom and Secretary General of the Narcotics Control Board (NCB) Narong Rattanannugul in Bangkok on the formation of the force.

The joint task force will cover narcotics and transnational crime, bringing together the AFP with Thailand’s NCB, the Anti-Money Laundering Office, the Justice Ministry’s Department of Special Investigation and the Royal Thai Police.

It is designed to fight a whole range of transnational crimes, including human trafficking.

A similar deal was also signed between the AFP and China ’s anti-smuggling bureau last year.

For decades, Thailand has been a prime source of drug to Australia , especially heroin produced in the Golden Triangle region.

Australia has long cooperation with Thailand’s NCB. However, the country has recently faced a growing wave of trafficking of new psychoactive substances, especially crystal methamphetamine.-VNA


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