Can Tho (VNA) - The Mekong Delta cityof Can Tho has launched a plan to promote cultural diplomacy in 2019, aiming tointroduce the culture and people of Vietnam and Can Tho to the world, and callfor investment to boost the city’s economy.
In 2019, Can Tho will issue priority policies toattract startup organisations in the country and abroad, and overseasVietnamese entrepreneurs to invest in economic, social and cultural projects.
It will focus on information exchange withdiplomatic missions, UN agencies, international organisations, andnon-governmental organisations (NGOs) to improve understanding of theirco-operation programmes in different fields.
The city’s Union of Friendship Organisationswill help the city boost cooperation with international charity organisationsand NGOs, such as Save the Children International, The Dariu Foundationand Alliance Anti Traffic, in supporting disadvantaged people and fighting againsttransnational crimes.
The municipal Department of Foreign Affairs willwork with agencies to host more international cultural and arts exchangeprogrammes, as well as maintain annual programmes such as Vietnam-Japan culturaland trade exchanges, Vietnam-India cultural exchanges, and Vietnam and Francecultural days.
The department will organise exhibitions andperformances to honour southern performing arts including don ca tai tu, folk music, cai luong (reformed opera) and traditional performing artsfrom Southeast Asian countries.
The city’s Department of Culture, Sports andTourism will also collaborate with agencies to issue tourism policies to turn CanTho into a green tourism city and an environmentally friendly city.
The department will improve knowledge ofhistory, culture and customs of the city and Mekong Delta region to local tourguides and open more tours linking the city and regional provinces.
The Departments of Education and Training, andScience and Technology are continuing their cooperation with universities andhigh-tech scientific research centres in developed countries, especially theRepublic of Korea.
The cooperation focuses on cultural exchangesand charity programmes, which include education and gifts to orphans, andbuilding houses for the poor.-VNA