Child friendly city initiative launched in HCM City

The child friendly city initiative was announced in Ho Chi Minh City on September 24 at a high-ranking roundtable conference between the municipal People’s Committee and the UNICEF.
Child friendly city initiative launched in HCM City ảnh 1A doctor is doing medical examinations for children. (Source: Internet)

The child friendly city initiative was announced in Ho Chi Minh City on September 24 at a high-ranking roundtable conference between the municipal People’s Committee and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

This is also one of important events to celebrate the 40th anniversary of cooperation between Vietnam and UNICEF.

The initiative aims to address problems faced by children in cities such as poverty, being abused and exploited.

In order to implement the initiative, the city will have to carry out all support contents to become a child friendly city in all three important aspects: sustainably economic, social and environmental development.

Based on experience from cities all over the world, delegates at the conference said HCM City needed to take advantages to achieve standards of a child friendly city.

According to Dang Hoa Nam, Head of the Department of Child Care and Protection under the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, HCM City has done a good job in taking care of children in the past years.

He hoped the city would continue putting children in the centre of socio-economic development strategies to better the life quality of children in the future.-VNA


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