Conference reviews military, defence work in six months

The Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence held a political-military conference in Hanoi on June 28 to review the outcomes of military and defence work in the first half of 2018 and launch tasks for the remaining months.
Conference reviews military, defence work in six months ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaks at the political-military conference in Hanoi on June 28 (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence held a political-military conference in Hanoi on June 28 to review the outcomes of military and defence work in the first half of 2018 and launch tasks for the remaining months.

In his opening speech, Minister of National Defence Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich, who is also a Politburo member and Vice Secretary of the Central Military Commission, said in the first six months of this year, the whole army has had certain advantages to carry out military-defence tasks but also faced many difficulties and challenges requesting officers and soldiers to make stronger efforts to overcome.

He asked representatives of army units to review task implementation over the last six months in a straightforward manner to clarify shortcomings, causes, and responsibility of each agency and unit.

The outcomes of the conference will help encourage officers and soldiers in the whole army to make stronger efforts to fulfill the military-defence tasks for 2018, he added.

At the event, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc highly valued the comprehensive outcomes and the resolve to perform duties by officers and soldiers. He affirmed that the major socio-economic attainments in 2017 and the last six months are greatly attributable to the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA).

He said the Central Military Commission and the Defence Ministry have done a good job of giving military-defence advice to the Party and State. They have also proposed sound, timely and effective reactions to any circumstances that have emerged.

The Government leader applauded their active preparation of a resolution and an implementation plan on the defence and military strategies of Vietnam. He also recognised the Defence Ministry’s contributions to the building of some draft laws, including the revised Law on National Defence, the draft Law on Vietnam Coast Guard, and the draft revised Law on Militia and Self-Defence Force.

Particularly, the VPA has worked hard to improve its combat quality and strength, reform the training work, and promote the capacity of mastering modern weapons and technical equipment, especially in the forces of navy, air defence – air force, information and communication, and electronic warfare, PM Phuc said.

Regarding military-defence tasks for the remaining six months, the Central Military Commission and the Defence Ministry are set to continue having a good grasp of situation and seriously complying with the Party’s leadership, the State’s management and the Government’s steering.

They will also push ahead with ensuring combat readiness and improving effectiveness of the mass mobilisation work, especially in strategic and remote areas as well as ethnic minority and religious communities.-VNA

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