Havana (VNA) – A ceremony was held at President Ho Chi Minh statuein the Cuban capital city of Havana on September 3 to kick-start a series ofactivities in celebration of the 45th anniversary of Cuban leaderFidel Castro’s historical visit to Vietnam in September 1973.
The event was jointly held by theCommunist Party of Cuba (CPC) Central Committee’s Commission for ExternalRelations, the Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples (ICAP), and theCommittee for the Defence of the Revolution (CDR).
Speaking at the event, ICAP VicePresident José Prieto Cintado recalled the visit, saying that Fidel Castrobecame the only foreign head of state passing through the 17th parallelto visit a liberated region in Quang Tri province when the war was ongoing.
While congratulating Vietnam onits achievements in national development, Cintado affirmed the late leader’sstatements and actions on Cuba’s solidarity with Vietnam have become a valuableasset in history of bilateral ties.
Vietnamese Ambassador to CubaNguyen Trung Thanh said that Fidel Castro’s revolutionary thoughts and ambitionsalways serve as a lodestar for those who have devoted to solidarity between thetwo nations.
The Vietnamese people willcontinue intensify the brotherhood with the Cuban people, he stressed.
On this occasion, the VietnameseEmbassy opened a photo exhibition featuring the historical visit by leaderFidel Castro as well as the two countries’ relations and Vietnam’s imagesduring the “Doi moi” (Reform) process.
Activities to mark 45 years ofthe historical visit will be organised in almost all provinces and cities ofCuba, with the main one slated for September 12.-VNA