Theministry has promulgated a programme comprising various plans to becarried out from now to 2019 to respond to Resolutions 33-NQ/TW and102/NQ-CP, which aim to develop the Vietnamese culture and people.
Internationalintegration in the field of culture is one of the resolutions' targets.Accordingly, the culture ministry will assign Vietnamese culturalcounsellors to promote the country's image in foreign countries.Vietnamese cultural centres will be set up abroad during the 2016-20period to organise cultural weeks and art performances.
"We willfocus on teaching Vietnamese language and promoting the national culturefor Vietnamese people abroad and foreigners in Vietnam," he said at aseminar held in Hanoi on January 22.
Deputy Minister Tuanconceded, however, that there was a lack of similar activities for thecommunity of foreigners living in Vietnam.
"Most culturalactivities for foreigners are organised by the Ministry of ForeignAffairs, the embassies and foreign-related organisations," he said.
"Weplan to join hands with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and otheragencies to introduce cultural activities for foreigners living inVietnam," he added.
A strategy to promote the Vietnamese cultureby enriching entertainment options for foreigners in Vietnam wascurrently awaiting approval from Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, whichwas expected in the first quarter of this year, according to Tuan.
Severaljournalists pondered over the stated mission of developing Vietnamesepeople comprehensively in terms of personality, morality, constitution,creativity, intelligence and awareness of patriotism and obligation tofamily, society and the country.
Bui Hoai Son, Vice Director ofthe Vietnam Institute of Culture and Arts, suggested intensifying arteducation and upgrading the artistic sense of people, especially thoseliving in rural and remote areas, who lack the chance to enjoy culturaland art activities.
"To enhance the cultural level of the commonpeople, first we need to enhance the ability of cultural managers,trainers and officers," he said.
Dao Manh Hung, head of theministry's Training Department, said he was especially concerned aboutthe training of students who majored in culture, art and sports.
"Trainingthese specialised students needs professional lecturers," said Hung. "Ithink it's necessary to invite People's Artists and Excellent Artiststo teach at the universities and schools of these specialties.
Followingthe Government's policy to teach traditional arts such as hat xoan(spring folk singing in the northern province of Phu Tho) and quan ho(love duets) at schools, we should invite the artists to help train thestudents and share their knowledge with the teachers.".-VNA