The visit also aimed to celebrate the 35th anniversary of theVietnam-Laos Amity and Cooperation Treaty and the 50th anniversary ofthe establishment of Vietnam-Laos diplomatic relations.
At his meeting, Vinh highlighted the special friendship between thetwo countries, stressing that both countries’ armies and people arealways united in their efforts to defeat common enemies for independenceand freedom of both countries.
He said bothshould continue to join hands to maintain and develop ties, contributingto driving the Vietnam-Laos special relationship to a higher level.
Lao Ambassador Somphone Sichaleune praised the level of cooperation on defence between the two countries in recent years.
He stated that the Lao Party, Government and people are alwaysgrateful for the support provided by Vietnam’s Party, Government andArmy, to the country in its past struggle for national liberation aswell as during national construction at present.-VNA