Defence Minister hosts Canadian diplomat

Minister of Defence, General Ngo Xuan Lich, on April 23 hosted a reception for newly-appointed Ambassador of Canada to Vietnam Deborah Paul.
Defence Minister hosts Canadian diplomat ảnh 1Minister of Defence, General Ngo Xuan Lich receives newly-appointed Ambassador of Canada to Vietnam Deborah Paul (Source:

Hanoi (VNA)
- Minister of Defence, General Ngo Xuan Lich, on April 23 hosted a reception for newly-appointed Ambassador of Canada to Vietnam Deborah Paul.

During the meeting, the Vietnamese officer said he hopes the diplomat will help further promote defence ties between the two countries, contributing to strengthening the Vietnam-Canada Comprehensive Partnership.

He highlighted the effective and practical development of defence cooperation between the two nations in recent time, especially in exchange of delegations, dialogue consultation, personnel training, UN peacekeeping operation, marine security, terrorism and transnational crime prevention, defence industry, and overcoming war consequences.

Vietnam always supports Canada to join the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM ) cooperation mechanism, he said, expressing his hope that the Canadian side will make more contributions to promoting peace, friendship and cooperation in the region and the world.

For her part, Deborah Paul said Canada wishes to receive support from Vietnam and other ASEAN member nations to early join ADMM.

She appreciated Vietnam’s UN peacekeeping activities, saying that Canada is willing to share its experience in this work.

The diplomat promised to do her best to promote the cooperation and friendship between the two countries, including the bilateral defence ties.-VNA


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