Hanoi (VNA) – Minister of National Defence General Ngo Xuan Lich hosted separatereceptions for war veteran delegations from Laos and Cambodia, who are in Hanoito attend the 6th National Congress of the Vietnam War Veterans’ Association(VWVA).
Vice President andSecretary-General of Cambodia Veterans' Association (CVA) General Kun Kimexpressed his thanks for the support the Vietnamese Defence Ministry hasprovided for his association over the past time, hoping that the Ministry willcontinue doing so as well as facilitate the cooperation between the Veterans'Associations of the two nations in the future.
For his part,Minister Ngo Xuan Lich affirmed that the Vietnam People’s Army will always standside by side with its Cambodian counterpart and the CVA in the cause of nationalbuilding and protection.
During hisreception for the Lao National War Veterans' Association, Minister Lichhighlighted the activities jointly implemented by the two nations’ armies andveterans’ associations to raise the awareness among all people, particularlythe young generations, of the Vietnam - Laos comprehensive cooperative ties inthe Vietnam-Laos Solidarity and Friendship Year 2017.
Lich pledgedthat his ministry will continue facilitating the cooperation between the twoassociations in the coming time.
He called on theLao association to continue providing support in searching for, collecting, andrepatriating remains of Vietnamese voluntary soldiers and experts who diedduring wartime in Laos.
Sharing the viewwith Lich, President of the Lao National War Veterans' Association, MajorGeneral Somphon Keomixay pledged that that the association will continueproviding support for Vietnam in the search for and repatriation remains ofVietnamese soldiers and experts in Laos.
He expressed hiswish that the relations between the two nations’ Parties, States, Armies,people, and war veterans will further grow in the future.-VNA