Cuong spoke highly of Mesa’s visit which takes placeat the time when the two countries are looking towards the 60th founding anniversary of the Vietnam-Cuba solidarity committee (September 25, 1963-2023)and 50 years since the visit by President Fidel Castro to the liberated zone inthe South of Vietnam (September 1973).
Over the past six decades, the Vietnam-Cubarelationship has been a symbol of the era, he said, stressing that Vietnamalways keeps in mind the support of the Cuban Party, State, people and revolutionaryarmed forces with the spirit of “For Vietnam, Cuba is willing to shed its blood,” during its past struggle for national liberation, as well as the present causeof national construction.
According to the officer, the bilateral defencecooperation has been consolidated and developed, serving as a pillar and amodel for collaboration in other spheres.
Vietnam highly valued Cuba’s reputation, experience andstrength in construction, he continued, adding that the Vietnamese Ministry ofNational Defence appreciated Cuban experts’ efforts and sense of responsibilityfor construction projects in Vietnam.
Cuong suggested the two sides continue with theircoordination and work harder to ensure the progress of ongoing projects, and consideredboosting cooperation in the construction sector.
For his part, Mesa thanked the Ministry of National Defence forfacilitating Cuba’s participation in the projects to which the ministry worksas the main investor, and expressed his willingness to engage in other projects ofthe ministry in the time ahead./.