Davos (VNA) – Permanent Deputy PrimeMinister Truong Hoa Binh led a Vietnamese delegation to participate in many activitieswithin the framework of the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum(WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on January 21.
The Deputy PM was a keynote speaker at theplenary session on strategic prospects for the Association of Southeast AsianNations (ASEAN), attended other important sessions of the meeting and met withleaders from many countries, international organisations and global leadinggroups.
He also met with President of the WEF BorgeBrende and attended a ceremony to announce the conclusion of the Vietnam-WEFcooperation agreement.
Binh told the WEF president that Vietnam highlyappreciated the WEF’s coordination with Vietnam to implement successfully thebilateral cooperation agreement.
He emphasised that the implementation of thedeal since its signing on the occasion of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’sattendance at the WEF Davos in 2017, has brought practical outcomes in thefields of infrastructure, agriculture, education, and health care.
The agreement could be a model for the WEF toconsider expanding cooperation with other ASEAN member states, he said.
Borge Brende said the WEF wants to continuecooperation with Vietnam in specific activities, as well as in early launching aFourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) centre in the country to promote researchand application of the 4IR.
He handed over to Deputy PM Truong Hoa Binh the conclusionreport of the bilateral cooperation agreement with many recommendations forVietnam on socio-economic development.
The same day, Deputy PM Truong Hoa Binh met withCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, President of the European Parliament (EP)David Sassoli, and President of the Swiss National Council Isabelle Moret.
The Prime Minister of Croatia, the country holding EU Presidency inthe first six months of this year, and the EP President affirmed their supportfor the early ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) andthe EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (IPA) to bring benefits for thetwo sides’ business communities and peoples.
They agreed to strengthen coordination withVietnam to promote ASEAN-EU cooperation during 2020 when Vietnam is the Chairof ASEAN.
Inthe meeting with President of the Swiss National Council Isabelle Moret, DeputyPM Binh praised the Swiss parliament’s support for and contributions to the developmentof the Vietnam – Switzerland ties, and conveyed NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi KimNgan’s invitation to Moret to visit Vietnam in the time ahead.
He also informed Moret of the outcomes of his talks with Vice President andHead of the Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research ofSwitzerland Guy Parmelin as well as the agreed measures to boost the bilateralrelations.
Meanwhile, Moret spoke highly of Vietnam’s potential and position in theinternational arena, expressing her belief that Vietnam and Switzerland need tofurther the cooperative relations and traditional friendship.
Sheshared Vietnam’s call for organizing practical activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and affirmedthat the Federal Assembly of Switzerland will endorse and make positivecontributions to develop the cooperative ties into a deeper and more effectivefashion.
Deputy PM Binh asked the Swiss parliament to continue support for thecooperative programmes with Vietnam, as well as back the negotiations on thefree trade deal between Vietnam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)to benefit both nations.
During his stay, Deputy PM Binh also held meetings with top executives of many leadingcorporations like Standard Chartered, P&G Group, Amazon Web Services,AstraZeneca, Novartis, Carlsberg, Hyosung and Spring Studios.
He took the occasion to affirm the Vietnamese Government’s consistent policy inimproving business climate and competitive edge through completing the marketmechanism, renewing growth model, restructuring the economy, engaging in theFourth Industrial Revolution and promoting global integration.
For their parts, the groups appreciated Vietnam’s socio-economic development inthe past time, and described Vietnam as a dynamic economy in the context ofeconomic headwinds in the region and the world.
They pledged long-term investment in the Southeast Asian country, hoping theGovernment will create an equal and transparent business environment thatfacilitates the operation of both domestic and foreign firms.
The Davos 2020 is the most important meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF)this year. It has drawn some 3,000 delegates from 117 countries worldwide,including 53 heads of states and governments along with presidents and managingdirectors of 1,000 partner companies and members.
With around 400 sessions during January 21-24, participants have discussed awide range of issues under this year’s theme “Stakeholders for a Cohesive andSustainable World”./.