The discussion with leaders of globalenterprises was an event WEF held specifically for Vietnam at this year’smeeting. It attracted about 20 executives of WEF member businesses operating insuch fields as energy, green technology, and finance - banking.
Opening the event, Haunderlined Vietnam’s development viewpoint that people are the centre, keyplayer, goal, and momentum of sustainable development; the country will notpursue pure economic growth at the expense of social equality, progress or theenvironment; and it stays steadfast in implementing the strategic breakthroughsin infrastructure, regulations, and human resources.
He called on global business leadersto enhance cooperation with Vietnam to help the country create and maintain astable macro-environment for development while actively and flexibly adaptingto unpredictable changes, stabilise the macro-economy, and improve the economy’sresilience; build an independent and self-reliant economy with extensive,effective, and practical integration into the world; and increase the optimisation of newgrowth drivers, maximise domestic and international financial and technologicalresources through climate agreements, carry out green transition, shift to acircular and low-carbon economy with digital transformation, strongly developscience - technology and innovation, and build an innovation and startup ecosystem.
At a meeting with WEF Founder and ExecutiveChairman Klaus Schwab, Ha expressed his hope that WEF will continuebringing into play its pioneering role in promoting public-private partnership,shaping new cooperation ideas and models, and assisting developing countries,including Vietnam.
He noted Vietnam’s economicachievements, attributing that success partly to support from internationalfriends, including WEF.
Schwab considered the country as abright spot in economic recovery and growth amid global economic crisis.
Both sides expressed their delight atthe increasingly practical Vietnam - WEF cooperation.
Ha asked WEF to cooperatewith Vietnam during the building of a green, circular, and low-carbon economyvia the National Innovation Centre.

They voiced their satisfaction of thenew and comprehensive progress in relations between the two Parties and countries,especially since the official visit to China by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam NguyenPhu Trong.
They agreed that in the time ahead,Vietnam and China will coordinate to properly implement important commonperceptions and agreements reached during the trip, unceasingly consolidatepolitical trust and traditional friendship, enhance connectivity of theirdevelopment strategies, and intensify practical cooperation in all fields.
Liu asked the two sidesto step up partnerships in economy, trade, green and sustainable development,and innovation.
Talking to US Special PresidentialEnvoy for Climate John Kerry, Ha affirmed that Vietnam considers climate changeresponse as one of the strategic cooperation areas between the two countries.
Vietnam highly valued efforts by theUS Government and Kerry to promote global efforts in response toclimate change. It also appreciated the US and some development partners’support for energy transition in Vietnam, he said.
The Deputy PM asked Kerry to promotethe US and development partners’ transfer of renewable energy technology to Vietnam,provision of green loans at reasonable interest rates, sharing of governance experience,and assistance for improving the Mekong Delta’s resilience.
Kerry highlighted the two countries’flourishing relations and spoke highly of Vietnam’s efforts and determinationto realise the commitments at COP26, boost energy transition, and build alow-carbon economy.
Meeting with Administrator of the UNDevelopment Programme (UNDP) Achim Steiner, Ha thanked UNDP forhelping with Vietnam’s reconstruction and socio-economic development over thelast nearly 50 years.
He called for continued policyconsultation and technical cooperation with UNDP in the fields of Vietnam’s concern,including green transition, carbon neutralisation, and post-pandemicsocio-economic recovery in a green and sustainable manner.
Vietnam is determined and willactively carry out the commitments at COP26, including achieving net zeroemissions by 2050, he said, asking UNDP to continue giving advice so that thecountry can successfully implement the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) agreement, manage and efficiently use water resources, and strengthen the resilienceand climate change response in the Mekong River basin.
Steiner highly valued Vietnam’seffective implementation of socio-economic programmes and policies on greentransition and climate change response.
UNDP is proud to be a cooperation partnerof Vietnam and ready to assist the country in priority areas, he added./.