According to the draft, the recognition is the determination of the level ofeducation and training qualifications stated on the diploma according tothe education system of the country where the foreign educational institutionis headquartered.
In case of compatibility, equivalent recognition is given to diplomas in thenational education system of Vietnam or the level of qualification according tothe National Qualifications Framework of Vietnam.
The recognition of diplomas includes the level of education and trainingqualifications that correspond to one of the following systems – the nationaleducation system of Vietnam or the National Qualifications Framework of Vietnam;the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011); theeducation system or national qualifications framework of the country where theforeign educational institution is headquartered.
The recognition of diplomas is carried out according to the needs of thediploma holder. The diploma holder is responsible for the legality of thediploma.
To be recognised in Vietnam, the diploma of a foreign educational institutionmust meet one of the three conditions.
Either the educational programme must be quality-assured by the agencyauthorised to assess the quality of education in the country where the foreigneducational institution is headquartered or recognised by the agency authorisedto assess education in the country where the foreign educational institution isheadquartered.
Or, the foreign educational institution must be authorised by the agencyresponsible for education in the country where the institution is headquarteredto provide education and award diplomas, or recognised by the agency authorisedto assess the quality of education in the country where the institution is headquarteredand its diplomas recognised by the education agency of that country.
Or the diploma falls within the scope of application of agreements onequivalent diplomas or mutual recognition of diplomas, or relevantinternational conventions on diplomas that Vietnam has signed and recognisedaccording to the terms of the agreements, conventions, or internationaltreaties.
Regarding diplomas issued by educational institutions operating in a countrydifferent than where the institution is headquartered (including Vietnam),recognition is granted when the educational institution is permitted by theauthorised education agency of the two countries to open a branch, provideeducation or approve cooperation and training partnerships as regulated; carryout training activities according to regulations on cooperation, investment ineducation and according to the approval of the authorised agency whilecomplying with regulations.
For training programmes in partnership with foreign countries carried out inVietnam, Vietnamese educational institutions must confirm in writing that thepartnership programme meets the regulations on training partnerships and is inline with the approval document for the partnership training issued by relevantauthorities.
The recognition of diplomas issued by foreign educational institutions forlearners affected by war, natural disasters, epidemics, fires, and other forcemajeure cases is decided by the Minister of Education and Training.
The two authorised units for diploma recognition are the Director of theDiploma Recognition Centre under the Department of Quality Management (Ministryof Education and Training), who recognises diplomas of university educationlevels, and the Director of the provincial/municipal Department of Educationand Training who recognises diplomas of completion of secondary high & highschool programmes and certificates of completion of general educationprogrammes.
The authorised agency must process the application dossier for diplomarecognition within five working days. In case the dossier is incomplete or doesnot meet the requirements, the responsible agency must notify and providespecific instructions for the applicant to revise and supplement the dossier.
Within a period of 15 working days, the authorised agency for diplomarecognition will return the results of the diploma recognition process to theapplicant.
If there is a need to clarify information regarding the diploma from a foreigneducational institution or the authorised agency of the foreign country, thetime limit for returning the results must not exceed 30 working days from thedate of receiving the application dossier for diploma recognition, and theapplicant must be notified of this process.
The draft is currently open for public feedback until August 12, 2023./.