The regional countries are close to a new agreement onglobal biodiversity goals through the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework,aiming to conserve and protect the nature and essential natural ecosystemservices for humans, Hang told the 25th Inter-governmental Meetingof the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA), Part Two, underwayin Hanoi.
The event brought together representatives from nine COBSEAmember states, namely Cambodia, China, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea,Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
It is a very promising joint initiative by countries in theEast Asian Seas region, she said, noting that the marine and coastal ecosystemsof the Seas of East Asia are at risk of habitat loss, pollution and climatechange due to human activities.
She went on to say that Vietnam has taken various measuresto tackle these issues. It has adopted the 2020 Law on Environment Protection;and issued a national strategy for sustainable development of marine economy intandem with protection of environment and ocean ecosystems and a nationalaction plan for management of marine plastic debris by 2030, she noted, addingthat it has also accelerated plastic awareness campaigns and pushed for scientificresearch, innovation, technology transfer and new public-private partnership inaddressing plastic pollution.
Vietnam maintains its political commitment to forming aglobal agreement on marine plastic pollution based on international laws andwithin the UN framework, for a blue ocean, green planet, peace, stability andprosperity, she stated./.