Thestrategy was agreed at the association’s second congress for the2014-19 term, held in Prague on June 11, which elected an executiveboard of 15 members, with Doan Cat re-elected as its Chairman.
Overthe past years, the association has contributed to raising the culturaland spiritual life of the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic,as well as strengthening cultural exchanges with the Czech people,through its activities, which focus on solidarity and mutual assistanceamong the expatriates, preservation of the traditional culture andpromotion of the traditional ties between the two countries.
The association on May 24 sponsored a music gala to raise over 5,000 USD for the fund towards Vietnam’s seas and islands.
Addressingthe event, Counsellor Minister at the Vietnamese Embassy in the CzechRepublic, Hoang Thuy Duong, expressed his hope that the association willprovide a place for those who love literature and art to make morecontributions to preserving Vietnamese culture in the expatriatecommunity.-VNA