Since the beginning of this year, the group has begunconstruction on 39 projects and inaugurated 62 others.
Among those were the 500kV Lai Chau transformer station and projects toincrease capacity of the 500kV Son La, 220kV Phu Tho and 220kV Dak Nongtransformer stations.
According to the group’s report, EVN units exerted effortsto carry out the projects in line with the 2018 plan, particularly thoseproviding power to serve the dry season, including the Vinh Tan 4 thermo-powerplant.
In the time to come, to ensure progresses and targets of Mayand the second quarter of this year, EVN will grant permanent access card (PAC)to the first turbine of the Vinh Tan 4 thermo-power plant, and provide enoughcoal to serve commercial power generation for the plant’s turbines, and grantPACs to both turbines of the Thai Binh thermo-power plant.
In terms of the power grid, EVN continues to focus resourceson urgent projects that serve power supply during the dry season and the wholeyear of 2018, while striving to complete several projects in May, includingsection 1C after the 220kV Pho Noi transformer station, a 220/500kV lineconnecting Long Bien and Bac Ninh, the 220kV Phong Dien transformer station,and a 220kV cable line connecting Quang Ngai and Quy Nhon.-VNA