At the Dao Nguyengallery, an exhibition entitled “Da Lat Nostalgia” featured 40 oil andacrylic paintings by three artists Dinh Cuong from the US, Than NgocMinh from Hue city and Phan Ngoc Minh from Quang Nam province.
Throughthe paintings depicting familiar faces and landscapes in Da Lat, theartists showed their love and nostalgia for the land and people in thecity.
Another exhibition on the artistic offerings drew theparticipation of 21 artist lecturers from the College of Arts, HueUniversity.
Nearly 100 works, including lacquer and oilpaintings, photographs, pieces of video arts and wood-engraving featuredcultural values beautified through 120 years of development of thecity.
A series of activities, including a book parade and tree planting, will also be held during the city’s anniversary.-VNA