Ben Tre (VNA) - Tien Tay Vam village in the Mekong Delta province ofBen Tre is notable not only for its delicate wooden products, but also for theartisans who make them. Here, women are - or were -known for their skills inthe male-dominated carpentry profession.
Ta Thi Thu Van, 57, began her career as acarpenter 36 years ago when she married a man in the village.
“When I got married at 21 years old, all I knewwas following, helping and learning from my husband,” she said. “After twoyears of practicing, I became a professional.”
According to her husband Le Van Phuong, headof Tien Tay Vam village’s carpentry group, most woman in thevillage have considerable expertise in carpentry. They saw, chisel, shave and assemblewooden products. A skilled artisan can build a standardised bed frame on herown.
“My wife mastered all the techniques. In herheyday, she could build one or two big bed frames all on her own. With a saw inher hand and her foot put on a dais, she looked like all of us,” Phuong said.
The craft was sometimes difficult for her, Vansaid, because bed-frames are quite heavy and she is a small person. But shebalanced her carpentry work with keeping house and taking care of theirchildren. At present, Van is enjoying retirement, as poor health prevents herfrom doing other work.
In the last two years, Tien Tay Vam haswitnessed a population decline. The only skilled female carpenter still workingis struggling to maintain the craft.
Ha My Truyen, 47, has 15 years of experience inmaking wooden products. A hard life motivated her to pursue the career.
“In the early days, the fear of hurting myselfor damaging clients’ wood discouraged me. As I could not chisel neatly, myhusband guided me by drawing borders on timber for me to follow,” she said.
In a small workshop, Truyen and her husband paycareful attention to finish customers’ orders. While her husband specialises onsawing and shaving, she is responsible for chiselling and assembling products.
“We can now make two to three bed frames everythree days. In the past, we could complete two products in just one day,” shesaid.
In a few moments, ten pieces of timber were allcut to size. Soaked in sweat, Truyen lifted them to the driller, without stoppingfor a break.
“My body hurts terribly. However, to support myhusband and bring up my children, I have to forget all the pain,” she said.
At home, she is a housewife who also takes careof a child who has a birth defect. She said she was concerned for her future.
“To switch to another job, I have to havecapital. Making ends meet day by day as we do, we will die if we give upcarpentry,” she said.-VNA