The two partiesreached the final pact relating to the disarmament of the front,according to the Philippine President’s spokesperson.
The pact, together with the three ones struck earlier, will make acomprehensive peace deal, scheduled to be signed in the capital city ofManila .
Accordingly, Moro rebels will put an end toviolence in exchange for greater autonomy, with a new Bangsamoropolitical entity to replace the current Autonomous Region in MuslimMindanao (ARMM).
The reached deal marks the most importantmilestone in the two sides’ negotiations, which ran forthe last 13 years with many intervals.
Last year,the Philippine government and MILF signed three annexes of the FrameworkAgreement on the creation of Bangsamoro area as part of a comprehensivepeace pact aimed at ending decades of armed conflicts.
MILF has conducted anti-government movements since the 1970s with theaim of forming an autonomous state on Mindanao and several otherislands in southern Philippines .
The fighting over the past more than four decades have claimed atleast 120,000 lives and displaced more than 2 million people.-VNA