Final sentences for Tien Lang farmers announced

The Appeal Court of the Supreme People’s Court on July 30 announced the sentences given to six defendants charged with “ murder and resisting on-duty officials” in relation to a case of coercive land reclamation in the northern port city of Hai Phong.
The Appeal Court of the Supreme People’s Court on July 30 announced thesentences given to six defendants charged with “ murder and resistingon-duty officials” in relation to a case of coercive land reclamation inthe northern port city of Hai Phong.

Thecourt rejected the appeals of Doan Van Vuon – said to be the ringleader –and his brother Doan Van Quy. They were each sentenced to five years’imprisonment for murder.

Thanks to mitigatingcircumstances, Doan Van Sinh received a sentence of two years and ninemonths in prison, nine months less than that of the original verdict.Doan Van Ve got 19 months in prison, a five month reduction.

Pham Thi Bau and Nguyen Thi Thuong were granted suspended sentences of 18 months and 15 months respectively.

Before the jury retired to consider its verdict, the accused admitted their guilt and explained the cause of their crimes.

According to the statement presented by the Hai Phong People’sProcuracy at the April 5 trial, on October 4, 1993, Tien Lang districtPeople’s Committee allocated 21 hectares of coastal wetlands to Vuon foraquaculture purposes for up to 14 years.

Vuon then encroached farther into the sea by an additional area of19.3 hectares. This earned him a district administrative fine along withthe right to continue cultivating the encroached land until October 4,2007.

On April 7 in2009, the Tien Lang district People’s Committee issued Decision461/QD-UBND to take back the aforementioned plot citing its usageexpiry.

Disagreeing with this decision, Vuon brought the case to court, which upheld the above Decision 461.

On November 24, 2011, the People’s Committee issued Decision No.3307/QD-UBND to implement Decision 461, but Vuon refused to comply.

Vuon, Quy, Sinh, Ve and DoanVan Thoai and Pham Thai erected defence fences, planted self-made minesand used home-made guns to fire at those executing the decision,injuring seven officials.

Thuong and Bau were found to be directly involved in erectingdefence fences and other activities to make it easier for the aboveaccused to launch attacks against the law enforcement officers.-VNA

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