First 'COVID-19 vaccine passport' flight lands at Van Don International Airport

A Vietnam Airlines flight carrying 297 Vietnamese citizens back from Japan that arrived at Van Don International Airport on September 4 afternoon was the first to enjoy the new seven-day quarantine pilot programme.
First 'COVID-19 vaccine passport' flight lands at Van Don International Airport ảnh 1A Vietnam Airlines flight carrying 297 Vietnamese citizens back from Japan arrived at Van Don International Airport on September 4 afternoon (Photo: VNA)
QuangNinh (VNA) - A Vietnam Airlines flight carrying 297 Vietnamesecitizens back from Japan that arrived at Van Don International Airport on September4 afternoon was the first to enjoy the new seven-day quarantine pilotprogramme.

Allpassengers had received two doses of COVID-19 vaccines, with the second doseadministered at least 14 days but no more than 12 months prior to entry date,as well as proof of negative COVID-19 tests (RT-PCR method) validated byauthorities in the host country 72 hours before departure.

Afterarriving at the Van Don International Airport, passengers were transported toNovotel Ha Long in Quang Ninh province for concentrated quarantine for sevendays, down by 14 days compared to the mandatory 21 days that Vietnam imposed onall foreign arrivals since May due to the Delta variant.

PhamNgoc Sau, Director of the Van Don International Airport, said the reception ofthe arrivals followed anti-pandemic measures that the airport has beenrigorously applying.

Allpassengers will need to undergo body temperature checks, submit healthdeclaration forms (online or paper), and complete immigration and customsprocedures at a separate zone. They are also required to wear masks and keepsafe distance at all times. All luggage, carry-on or checked, were sterilised.

Theterminal and travel corridors for the arrivals are frequently disinfected,while airport staff tending to the flights need to wear specialised masks andfull protective gear, and keep distance from the passengers.

Thepilot of seven-day quarantine policy will serve as the foundation to expand tomore people with real travel demands, like Vietnamese citizens overseas,foreign businessmen and experts, Sau said, adding that with this, more domesticflights could resume when the outbreak is brought under control.

Itis in line with gradual adaptation to the new normal, as both goals of pandemiccontrol and stimulation of socio-economic activities are carried out./.

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