Dragonfly Theatre has been set up in Saigon by Jaime Zuniga fromNicaragua , Brian Riedlinger and Aaron Toronto, both from the US .The trio recently launched their second work namely “The last fiveyears”, almost one year after the debut of the first work “Theimportance of being earnest” last October.
The threeartists met accidentally in Sai Gon but shared the desire to build up atheatrical stage in English language for foreigners living and workingin Vietnam, said Aaron Toronto.
Meanwhile, CliffMoustache, the General Director of Nordic Black Theatre, Oslo, and aVietnamese in the US, Nguyen Nghieu Khai Thu, have the same idea ofcombining western drama styles with Vietnamese classical theatre. Theyworked together to stage several pilot projects in 2007, 2008, 2009 andmost recently in July, 2012.
The NEWS group ofMoustache and Thu will come back to Vietnam to present a new version ofRomeo and Juliet in Saigon this September, while the trio of Dragonflyare due to launch “The little prince” in October.-VNA