During his visit, Minh paid acourtesy visit to President Thein Sein who was accompanied by hisministers of foreign affairs, industry, commerce, finance and chief ofthe President’s office.
At the reception, PresidentThein Sein expressed his pleasure at the sound development of thefriendship and multifaceted relations between the two countries andappreciated the frequent exchange visits between the two-side highranking delegations.
He agreed that two countriesshould continue to boost cooperation in the bilateral relationship aswell as in regional and international affairs which both sides, wereinterested in.
Minh forwarded the best regards fromPresident Truong Tan Sang and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung toPresident Thein Sein.
He affirmed Vietnam ’sconsistent policy of strengthening the traditional friendship andcooperation with Myanmar , adding that Vietnam was actively preparingfor the upcoming visit of Thein Sein to Vietnam .
Minh also took this occasion to express his thanks and asked theMyanmar Government to continue providing favourable conditions forVietnamese businesses seeking investment opportunities in Myanmar .
The two sides agreed that there should be moreexchange of delegations between the two countries to induce closenessand trust as well as draw out the major guidelines for the developmentof a bilateral relationship.
Both ministersconcurred on the need to further implement high-level agreements andspoke highly of the role of some mechanisms such as the jointcommissions and political consultations between the two foreignministries in consolidating the development of the two countries.
Vietnam and Myanmar needed to promote further cooperation interms of economics, trade and investment. Particularly, the two sidesshould hold the sixth meeting of the Trade Sub-Committee and kick offVietnamese investment projects in Myanmar .
Bothsides will continue to work together at international and regionalforums and affirm that along with other ASEAN members, they would build aunitary and solid ASEAN Community by 2015.
Minhsaid Vietnam fully supports Myanmar to hold the ASEAN’schairmanship in 2014. The two sides discussed the importance ofmaintaining peace and stability in the East Sea , with disputessettled in peaceful ways in accordance with international laws.
Vietnam also welcomes Myanmar ’s bid toward participating inthe international Mekong River Commission toward the more sustainableuse of this river.-VNA