Foreign organisations support children in Thua Thien-Hue

Foreign organisations support children, disabled people in Thua Thien-Hue

The central province of Thua Thien-Hue has received support from many foreign organisations in caring for children and people with disabilities in the forms of gifts and welfare projects.
Thua Thien-Hue (VNA) – The central province of Thua Thien-Hue has received support from many foreign organisations in caring for children and people with disabilities in the forms of gifts and welfare projects.

According to Head of the provincial People’s Committee Office Hoang Ngoc Khanh, the province has received 976 wheelchairs worth 65,684 USD from the US-based Giving it Back to Kids organisation.

Earlier in 2017, the Giving it Back to Kids organisation also presented people with disabilities in Thua Thien-Hue with 520 wheelchairs at total value of 1.04 billion VND (45,760 USD).

Meanwhile, the Australian Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation provided nearly 2.5 billion VND (111,364 USD) as non-refundable aid to a project to prevent local children from migrating and falling victims to labour abuse.

The project will be implemented by the provincial Women’s Union in two years from 2018.

It aims to reduce the number of disadvantaged children in Phu Loc and Phu Vang districts who migrated in search for livelihood and became victims of labour abuse, and help such children return home.

Major activities of the project include bringing children back to their family and help them re-integrate into the society, and assist women and children with high risks of labour abuse.

The project will improve skills, capacity of leaders of the province and localities as well as community in preventing free migration and working at early age among children.

The project also aims to create a safe and healthy environment for children who used to be children labourers and their families by supporting schools, building houses and raising awareness of relevant parties.-VNA

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