Former Australian Ambassador: Vietnam witnessed spectacular changes in four decades

Former Australian Ambassador to Vietnam John McCarthy has expressed his admiration for the dramatic transformation and development that Vietnam has undergone over the past 40 years.
Former Australian Ambassador: Vietnam witnessed spectacular changes in four decades ảnh 1Australian Ambassador to Vietnam John McCarthy (third from left) accompanies Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach in Canberra in April, 1984. (Photo provided by the Australian Embassy)

Hanoi (VNA) – Former Australian Ambassador to Vietnam John McCarthy has expressed his admiration for the dramatic transformation and development that Vietnam has undergone over the past 40 years.

In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency, McCarthy acknowledged the significant progress the country has made in various aspects, including socioeconomic development, and international integration.

Vietnam’s renewal (doi moi) process, which began in 1986, has led to significant changes in socioeconomic development.

Vietnam established diplomatic relations with many Western countries and actively joined international agreements, contributing significantly to its economic development, he noted.

Former Australian Ambassador: Vietnam witnessed spectacular changes in four decades ảnh 2Former Australian Ambassador to Vietnam John McCarthy (Photo: VietnamPlus) 

According to data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Vietnam's per capita GDP in 2020 reached 3,561 USD, higher than that of the Philippines (3,229 USD) and close to that of Indonesia (3,870 USD).

Over the past four decades, Vietnam has indeed made great strides, and it can take pride in those, he said.

The living conditions of Vietnamese people have been improved significantly, he said, emphasising the most noticeable change in transport infrastructure development.

The former diplomat also highlighted the fine development of the Vietnam – Australia relations, stating that through dialogues, the two countries have made progress in tightening their relationship.

Former Australian Ambassador: Vietnam witnessed spectacular changes in four decades ảnh 3Former Ambassador McCarthy believes in the prospects that the Vietnam – Australia relations will be developed into a comprehensive strategic partnership (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Vietnam has become a country of paramount importance to Australia, he said, suggesting that the diplomatic ties should be further strengthened based on mutual cooperation and understanding.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese agreed to support upgrading the relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership. McCarthy said he hopes this will soon become true.

The two governments need to do more to upgrade ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership, he said, expressing the hope that Prime Minister Albanese will pay a high-level visit to Vietnam as the two nations celebrate the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations.

Former Australian Ambassador: Vietnam witnessed spectacular changes in four decades ảnh 4Australian Consul General Sarah Hooper presents the certificate of merit to Tran Van Trung - the winner of the logo design contest for the 50th founding anniversary of the  diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Australia. (Photo: VietnamPlus) 

McCarthy said he believes that Albanese, a deft leader on foreign policy, will do something that will benefit both countries.

Australia has strengths in exploiting natural resources, education, health care, and agriculture, that is why the two nations can consider the possibility to expand cooperation in investment, digital transformation, and science-technology, the former diplomat said.

He said Australia is exploring cooperation with India and Indonesia in these fields, and he would like to see similar collaboration with Vietnam./.

 John McCarthy was born in Washington DC in 1942. Prior to his diplomatic career, he worked as a lawyer.

He held the position of the Australian Ambassador to Vietnam in 1981-1983, and to Mexico, Thailand, the US, Indonesia, Japan, and of the Australian High Commissioner to India. He also served in diplomatic missions in Damascus, Baghdad, and Vientiane.

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