Former senior official stands trial

A former government official was put on trial in Hanoi on Jan. 13 for costing the State billions of dong while being involved in an information technology modernisation project.
A former government official was put on trial in Hanoi on Jan. 13 for costing the State billions of dong while being involved in an information technology modernisation project.

Former Deputy Chairman of the Government Office Vu Dinh Thuan and 22 collaborators have been prosecuted on charges of “abusing positions and/or powers while performing official duties” and “taking advantages of one’s influence over persons with positions and powers to seek personal benefits.”

All of them were involved in a project widely known as “Project 112”, to modernise information technology systems in government agencies.

According to the indictment prepared by the Supreme People’s Procuracy, from 2003 to 2006, Thuan, who was then the project’s director, violated the state’s regulations while signing contracts for the project. His actions cost the State more than 4.6 billion VND.

Of the amount, Thuan was claimed to have pocketed 275 million VND.
Twenty lawyers will defend Thuan and the others and the trial is expected to last for two weeks./.

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