Friendship association works for thriving Vietnam-France ties

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong hoped that the France-Vietnam Friendship Association (AAFV) will further its efforts to bolster Vietnam-France collaboration in the fields of politics, economy, culture, education and healthcare.
Friendship association works for thriving Vietnam-France ties ảnh 1General Secretary of the ​CPV Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (R) and AAFV President Gérard Daviot (Photo: VNA)

Paris (VNA) – General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong hoped that the France-Vietnam Friendship Association (AAFV) will further its efforts to bolster Vietnam-France  collaboration in the fields of politics, economy, culture, education and healthcare.

Holding a reception for the representatives from the association in Paris on March 27 (local time) during his official visit to the country, the Party chief hailed and thanked French friends for their support for Vietnam and the French-Vietnam relations.

During 57 years of operation, the association has carried out a myriad of activities to back Vietnam in the country’s struggle for independence as well as national construction and development, he said.

For his part, AAFV President Gérard Daviot said that the AAFV is the most long-standing association in the European country. It has worked to endorse Vietnamese people with many assistance projects and activities with total mobilised capital of 4 million euros.

The association will continue cooperation with Vietnamese partner in the fields of Vietnam’s interest, including environmental protection, response to climate change, Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange and other international issues.

He stressed that the move will help fortify solidarity, friendship and cooperation between the two nations. -VNA

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