Full-time NA deputies discuss land acquisition, valuation methods

Full-time National Assembly (NA) deputies gave opinions on the amended Land Law during its session on August 30, with a focus on regulations of land acquisition for the purposes of socio-economic development and land valuation methods.
Full-time NA deputies discuss land acquisition, valuation methods ảnh 1An overview of the NA Standing Committee's session discussing the amended Land Law. (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) - Full-time National Assembly (NA) deputies gaveopinions on the amended Land Law during its session on August 30, with a focuson regulations of land acquisition for the purposes of socio-economicdevelopment and land valuation methods.

During the conference, Chairman of the NA's Economic Committee Vu Hong Thanhemphasised that this was a significant legislative project with broadregulatory scope and complex, leaving impacts on the lives of citizens andsocio-economic development.

The provisions in the draft amended law were merely preliminary as consensus hadnot yet been reached on the best approach for amending the draft law, he added.

Regarding land acquisition for promoting socio-economic development, manydeputies stated that the provisions listing cases of land acquisition by theState were rigid and did not fully reflect or address various issues.

Thanh argued that listing specific cases of land acquisition for national andpublic interests had the advantage of clarity, ease of monitoring, andpractical application. However, listing overly specific and detailed projectsand cases might fail to provide comprehensive coverage.

During the discussions, some argued that the current approach of listing casesdid not sufficiently demonstrate the necessity of these projects and landacquisition activities in accordance with Resolution No. 54/NQ-CP.

Thanh concurred with cases where the State reclaimed land to regulatediscrepancies in value resulting from changes in planning and infrastructureinvestment, balancing the interests of the State, citizens, investors, andensuring that land use for investment projects generated new revenue for theState budget and overall benefits for society.

For individuals whose land was reclamed, the State would provide compensation,support, and resettlement as stipulated. All options needed further research,clarification, and adjustments to ensure clear, reasonable, and feasibleregulations.

Regarding cases of selecting investors through bidding for projects involvingland use, Thanh explained that the 2013 Bidding Law and the Government DecreeNo. 25/2020/NĐ-CP provide detailed regulations for selecting investors.

However, the current bidding laws primarily applied to projects that use landfor commercial and business purposes. Other projects, whether they involvedland use, were determined by specialised laws.

He said it was essential to clarify the amended Land Law to address cases ofinvestor selection when land was either the primary or secondary asset.

There were several suggestions specifying the methods for determining landprices.

Some opinions argued that the draft law outlined a plan that benefited theState budget but didn't clearly define specific benefits. Some proposed notincluding specific land valuation methods in the draft law while othersdisagreed with the proposal to eliminate the surplus method.

In response to NA deputies’ opinions concerning land prices, the provisionabout selecting the method based on the most beneficial for the State budgetprinciple would be replaced with regulations specifying the applicable casesfor each specific method.

Additionally, the surplus method would be integrated into the comparativemethod instead of the independent land valuation method.

Thanh said the draft law introduced the surplus method as one of the land pricedetermination methods and supplemented corresponding provisions regarding theprinciples and conditions of its application.

However, the conditions for applying this method had been narrowed downcompared to the current regulations. These aspects were being revised andsupplemented in the draft decree amending Government Decree No. 44/2014/NĐ-CPand continued to receive various opinions.

Thanh suggested that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment continueto collaborate with relevant agencies to carefully study land pricedetermination methods.

It was essential to provide a comprehensive explanation and clarity regardingthe content, ensuring that the regulations in the law guarantee stability andfeasibility, in accordance with the spirit of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, he said./.

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