German state looks to hire more Vietnamese caregivers

The Mecklenburg – Vorpommern (MV) state of Germany wants to enhance cooperation with Vietnam in training Vietnamese caregivers for work in German, according to an official of the MV government.
Berlin (VNA) – The Mecklenburg – Vorpommern (MV) state of Germany wants to enhance cooperation with Vietnam in training Vietnamese caregivers for work in German, according to an official of the MV government.

State Secretary of the MV Ministry of Economics, Employment and Health Dr. Stefan Rudolph is leading a delegation on a week-long visit to Vietnam from March 1. The delegation includes representatives from businesses, hospitals and vocational training establishments in the MV.

Rudolph said one of the main targets of the delegation’s trip is to study and expand cooperation with Vietnam in recruiting and training Vietnamese caregivers for jobs in the MV.

Towards this goal, the delegation will visit Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Duong and Ha Tinh, where they will hold talks with local authorities and tour local medical and vocational training establishments.

The official noted that Germany and Vietnam have engaged in long-term and fruitful cooperation in vocational training, stressing that the state wants to further promote the partnership.

Caregiver training is one of the items listed in the letter of intention on cooperation signed between the Vietnamese health ministry and the MV Ministry of Economics, Employment and Health in Berlin on July 6, 2017 in the witness of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy Brigitte Zypries.

Under the document, the two sides will work together in recruiting and training Vietnamese caregivers to meet the demand of health and nursing facilities in the MV as well as to develop models for the training in Vietnam.

At present, more than 16,700 workers are employed in the care for patients and the elderly in the MV, but the state still needs at least 2,900 more caregivers by 2020.

Germany’s statistics show that as of June 2017, there were 32,700 Vietnamese working in Germany, of whom 430 were in the MV.-VNA

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