Thesession, chaired by the PM, mulled over the draft Law amending andsupplementing a number of articles of the Law on People's Public Security, andproposes building such laws as the Law amending and supplementing the Law onCredit Institutions; the Law on Citizenship Identification (amended); the Lawon industrial defence, security and industrial mobilisation; and the Law on urban and rural planning.
Listeningto reports and comments, PM Chinh said the law-making work must continue toinstitutionalise and bring the Party's resolutions to life.
Inhis conclusion, the PM informed participants that the Government held nine thematicsessions serving the formulation of laws and policies; and gave opinions on andapproved 40 projects and proposals for law building.
Henoted they are the highest number of sessions, and projects and proposals inrecent years.
Theworks have showed improvements, becoming more professional and ensuringprogress and quality, the Government leader said.
The PMrequested strengthening the role of leaders; tightening discipline; improvingthe capacity to respond to policies, remove obstacles and inadequacies; and promotingrecovery and socio-economic development. It is also necessary to focus on resourcesinvestment and boost the quality of human resources, he added.
PM Chinhemphasised that evaluation is needed for both areas of building and perfectinginstitutions and organising law enforcement. Particular attention should bepaid to policy communications during the law-making process and after the lawis promulgated and put into practice, he said./.