Together with the global economic downtrend, Thien warnedthat the country will also enter 2012 with the lingering negativeconsequences of 2011, including a decrease in the economic growth rate,high inflation and trade and budget deficits.
The Government shouldmake more efforts to decrease inflation to the lowest level of 5-6percent to ease the impact on businesses next year when the world'seconomy is forecast to experience an extremely difficult time, he said.
To help businesses overcome the challenges, Thien said that theGovernment needs to help businesses recover by restoring confidence andcarrying out strong solutions to reduce interest rates and create thebest possible conditions for them to access capital.
Dr Can VanLuc, a senior advisor from the Bank for Investment and Development,expected that newly-emerged markets will stand firm in the challenges ofglobal economic downturn. Growth rates and the inflow of investmentcapital into domestic markets will be maintained at a satisfactorylevel, he said.
According to the UN "World Economics Situation andProspects 2012", the inflow of capital poured into developing countrieswill show positive signs, as 229.6 billion USD is predicted to bedisbursed in 2012 compared to the 2011 figure of 218.6 billion USD, hesaid.
In comparison to other regional countries, Vietnamreaches an above average level and quality of growth.
The country is oneof the top 10 in terms of revenue from overseas remittances, estimatedat 9 billion USD this year, accounting for 8 percent of GDP, Luc said.
However, the Government should make a detailed plan and set anitinerary for the economic restructuring, he said. It should establish adedicated committee on the issue instead of assigning it to theMinistry of Planning and Investment as it does currently./.