The order was made amid complicated developments of thepandemic when a number of COVID-19 clusters, which originated from peoplereturning to Hanoi from pandemic-hit regions, have been spreading quickly.
The municipal People's Committee requested all localities to assess high-riskareas, especially hospitals, industrial parks and clusters, populousresidential areas and concentrated quarantine facilities, while taking the initiative in making decisionss on higher control measures during the period of social distancing.
It also urged localities and agencies topromptly roll out policies to support employees and employers who are affectedby COVID-19.
The capital city’s administration also asked central andlocal agencies, units and socio-political organisations, as well as diplomaticcorps and international organisations in the city to strictly abide by socialdistancing regulations and only allow a few staff to work at office.
Localities and agencies were requested toconduct COVID-19 vaccinations promptly, ensuring equal andtransparent vaccine access.
On August 2 morning, the Hanoi Department of Health reported an additional 45 COVID-19 cases in the past 12 hours to 6am, 38 of whom were found inthe community./.