An accompanying A321aircraft left the airport at the same time, bearing leaders of theParty, State and Government to attend the final service.
Thousands of Vietnamese mourners lined the streets of Hanoi to bidfarewell to the General as a gun carriage slowly carried the flag-drapedcoffin of General Giap from the national morgue through the streets ofHanoi to Noi Bai airport.
The aircraft isscheduled to land in Dong Hoi airport in Quang Binh at 1 pm on the sameday. The burial service will be held at 4 pm at his final resting placein Vung Chua – Yen island area in Quang Dong commune, Quang Trachdistrict.
Earlier, a solemn memorial service for theGeneral – a former Politburo member, Secretary of the Central MilitaryCommission, Standing Deputy Prime Minister, Defence Minister,Commander-in-Chief of the Vietnam People’s Army and National Assemblydeputy - was held at the national morgue at 5 Le Thanh Tong Street inHanoi. The service was attended by Party General Secretary Nguyen PhuTrong, President Truong Tan Sang, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung andNational Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung.
In amoving eulogy, General Secretary Trong, head of the national funeralcommittee, described General Vo Nguyen Giap as an inspirational leaderof the Vietnamese Party, State and people, an excellent student ofPresident Ho Chi Minh, a steadfast revolutionary fighter and the firstGeneral of the Vietnam Peoples’ Army.
The Party leader stated that the General’s death was a great loss tothe Party, State, people and his family, leaving behind a huge void tohis comrades, fellow countrymen and international friends.
Reviewing his revolutionary life, Trong said that over 80 yearsGeneral Giap had worked tirelessly to contribute to the revolutionarycause of the Party and the nation.
Headded that the General’s name will forever be entwined with Vietnam’s glorious triumph in the two resistance wars against oppressive Frenchand US forces, as well as the subsequent national construction anddefence.
In all of his roles,General Giap influenced many major issues in the country, especially inthe fields of science and technology, education and training, defenceand security and the building of external relations.
The Party leader said that for the international revolutionarymovement, the General’s dedication remains a great encouragement tocountries throughout the world still struggling for peace, nationalindependence and social progress against oppression, exploitation andinjustice.-VNA