Tokyo (VNA) – A delegation of Hanoi led by Vice Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Thi Tuyen is on a working visit to Japan from November 7-11.
At a meeting with representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan, the two sides reviewed cooperation achievements inrecent times, expressing their joy at the fruitful development in the Vietnam –Japan extensive strategic partnership, as well as the strong bonds between the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and the LDP.
They also discussed and shared experience in building and developing their Party systems at grassroot level; and mechanisms to mobilise the participation of young Partymembers.
Tuyen emphasised thatthe CPV always defines that diplomacy via the party channel creates a solid political foundation for state relations, and guides the stable and sustainable development of bilateralrelations between Vietnam and other countries.
She expressed her hopethat the LDP leaders will continue to maintain delegation exchanges at all levels between the two Parties to share information and experience onParty building; and promote local cooperation and people-to-people exchange betweenyoung people of the two countries.
Previously, thedelegation had a working session with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) to learn from Japan’s experience related to policies andpractices in implementing high-tech agriculture development.
The Japanese sideshared information about Japan's policies to encourage and develop research,transfer and application of technologies to farming, production, processing andtrading of agricultural products; digital transformation to developsmart and green agriculture; and develop robots and automated machinery, and experiencein digital management of agricultural data.
Tuyen suggested theJapanese government and MAFF supportVietnam in training experts, technical interns and staff, and agriculturalmanagers; transfer technologies in the production and processing ofagricultural products to Vietnam; and enhance connections between the twocountries’ businesses to boost market access for their agricultural products.
During their stay, thedelegation visited Kanagawa prefecture to discuss orientations to foster cooperationbetween the two localities.
Governor of Kanagawa prefecture YujiKurowa affirmed the desire to regularly maintain delegation exchange activitiesbetween the locality and Hanoi.
Both host and guest agreed on the need to expand cooperationbetween the two localities, especially in areas of Kanagawa’s strengths such as trade, tourism, service, electronics, andbiotechnology.
The Hanoi official welcomed Kurowa’s upcomingvisit to Hanoi to attend the Kanagawa Festival 2023 from November 17-19.
In Kanagawa, the Vietnamese delegation made a field trip to Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town (Fujisawa SST), which is a typical model of public-privatepartnership invested by Panasonic Corporation./.