HCM City: Eco-Products Int’l Fair promotes green growth

The Eco-Products International Fair 2017 (EPIF) opened at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre in HCM City on May 11 with the theme “Green Technologies and Products: Actions for the Future”.
HCM City: Eco-Products Int’l Fair promotes green growth ảnh 1At the event (Photo: VNA)
HCM City (VNA) – The Eco-Products International Fair 2017 (EPIF) opened at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre in HCM City on May 11 with the theme “Green Technologies and Products: Actions for the Future”.

The event is co-held by the Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), the Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA), and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce (VCCI).

Addressing the opening ceremony, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Tran Viet Thanh said the EPIF 2017 is an important event that reflects directions of Vietnam’s economic development.

It also aims to raise public awareness of sustainable development through production and consumption of eco-friendly products, services and technologies, he noted.

Thanh emphasised that as sustainable growth is a vital strategic direction for the national development, the government’s policies and regulations have been improved to facilitate the private sector producing green products.

Local firms should shift their focus on developing eco-friendly products and services in order to meet the increasing demand of consumers and strict requirements of the global supply chain, he suggested.

VCCI Vice President Hoang Quang Phong said the event provides an opportunity for not only enterprises to show off their latest green products and services and seek partnership but also policymakers to identify needs and solutions for green growth in Vietnam.

Hajime Bada, Chairperson of the Japan-based Green Productivity Advisory Committee, described the fair as a bridge for firms to set up cooperation and transfer of green production and renewable energy technologies.

The EPIF was initiated by the APO in 2004 and is organised in rotation between the APO members. This year is the second time Vietnam has hosted the event which runs through May 13. - VNA

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