Speaking at the event, Phan Thi Hong Xuan, Chairwoman of theVietnam-ASEAN Friendship Association, said that the 28-year journey of Vietnam’sASEAN membership is not a long time, but it means a lot to Vietnam and theAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the process of building theASEAN community vision to 2025.
The excellent achievements from cooperation between ASEAN countries in buildingthe ASEAN community show that the bloc is an important andindispensable factor for the peace, stability and development of Southeast Asiaand a driving force to promote dialogue, cooperation and linkage among membercountries as well as expanding comprehensive cooperation and development inEast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region.
HUFO has coordinated with relevant agencies and units in organising cultural, sport and tourism activities and international seminars andsymposiums on topics concerned by member countries. This has contributed to strengtheningsolidarity and friendship between Vietnam and other ASEAN members and othercountries around the world, added Xuan.
Agustaviano Sofjan, Indonesian Consulate General in HCMCity, said that Indonesia, as the ASEAN Chair in 2023, has chosen the theme of “ASEANMatters: Epicentrum of Growth” for its Chairmanship year with an aim to turnASEAN into a stable and peaceful region and consolidate the bloc to make it afast, comprehensively and sustainably developing economy./.