Theexhibition, organised by the city’s Fine Arts Association and University ofFine Arts and their partners, targets Vietnamese artists aged 18-45.
Itwill display 134 artworks created from 2015-2016 by 98 artists from 15 citiesand provinces, such as HCM City, Hanoi, Binh Duong and Can Tho.
Theseworks include 121 paintings, 10 sculptures, two video artworks and aninstallation, reflecting contemporary issues.
Theorganisers will award 11 prizes for best works at the exhibition, which will beselected by veteran artists Uyen Huy, Ca Le Thang, Le Xuan Chieu, Siu Quy, andBui Hai Son.
Workshopson young artists and fine arts promotion will be organised during the event.
Thisyear’s exhibition will take place from April 20-30 at the museum, 97A Pho DucChinh Street in District 1.
TheBiennale Art Exhibition for Young Artists, first held in 2009, aims to discovertalented and new faces in Vietnam’s arts community.-VNA