An Giang (VNA) – Leaders of southern An Giang province on January 8visited and congratulated the Central Executive Committee of Hoa Hao Buddhismon the occasion of the 98th birth anniversary of the sect’s founder, ProphetHuynh Phu So (the 25th day of the 11th lunar month).
ViceSecretary of the provincial Party Committee Vo Anh Kiet briefed the executivecommittee on socio-economic development achievements of the locality in 2017.
He spokehighly of Hoa Hao Buddhism’s contributions to these achievements, especially insocial welfare and charitable activities.
He expressedhis hope that Hoa Hao dignitaries and followers will continue promoting thetradition, supporting each other to build the great national unity, and abidingby laws to contribute to fulfilling the province’s socio-economic developmenttasks as well as to the nation building and safeguarding cause.
Prophet Huynh Phu So was born on January 15, 1920 in Hoa Hao village, Chau Docprovince (now An Giang province).
Hoa HaoBuddhism now has 391 executive committees in 17 cities and provinces and over 2million followers nationwide, mostly in An Giang.-VNA