Improved business environment helps boost economic development

Since a government resolution on improving the business investment environment was introduced in 2014, Vietnam has seen positive outcomes from hundreds of business procedures being eased and simplified. However, with the enormous impact of COVID-19, the business community is in need of an even more favourable business environment to help it minimise costs and recover.

After nine years of reforming the business environment, Electricity of Vietnam has changed all of its business procedures. Customer inquiries on electricity services are now resolved with little effort, helping to increase reliability.

The government has issued several resolutions and guidelines since 2014 on improving the business environment and accelerating national competitiveness. With the efforts of ministries, sectors, and localities, Vietnam’s position in the international arena has improved, creating confidence among investors and businesses.

Improving the business environment and enhancing competitiveness in the new context must come and be in line with international law. Resolutions introduced by the government and the National Assembly have helped boost socio-economic recovery and development./.