Indonesia adds 12 more countries to visa-on-arrival list

The Indonesian government has expanded the list of countries whose citizens can obtain a visa on arrival (VoA) to 72.
Indonesia adds 12 more countries to visa-on-arrival list ảnh 1Illustrative photo. (Source:
Jakarta (VNA) – The Indonesian government has expanded the list of countries whose citizens can obtain a visa on arrival (VoA) to 72.

There are 12 more countries eligible for VoA, including Bahrain, Belarus, Bosnia, Kuwait, Egypt, Morocco, Oman, Peru, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, and Jordan, according to the spokesman for the Immigration Directorate General Achmad Nur Saleh.

But there are no additions or changes to immigration checkpoints that serve VoA, he said.

This is regulated in a Circular Letter of the Immigration Director-General dated April 28, 2022, regarding immigration facilities in order to support sustainable tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is also no addition to the subject of visa-free visits for special tours which have thus far only been applied to ASEAN member countries.

The VoA tariff is stipulated at 500,000 rupiah or about 34 USD under Government Regulation No. 28/2019. The stay permit originating from the VoA can only be extended once for a period of 30 days, Ahmad explained./.


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