Jakarta (VNA) – Indonesian Minister of NationalDevelopment Planning Agency (Bappenas) Bambang Brodjonegoro said he andPresident Joko Widodo had discussed details of relocating the capital on July3.
Their discussion covered the project’s feasibility andfinancing.
Bambang said there would be activities to transfer thecentral government to the new capital in 2018 or 2019.
Bappenas and the Public Works and Public Housing Ministrywill lead ministries and other government institutions in executing the plan,he noted, adding that it would take three to four years to turn a city into thecapital of Indonesia.
He said the presidential and ministerial offices would bemoved to the new capital, while Jakarta would remain a business and financial hub.
Bambang did not unveil which city would be chosen as the newcapital, but cities previously mentioned by government officials includedPalangkaraya, the capital of Central Kalimantan, and Jonggol in Bogor, WestJava.-VNA