Jakarta (VNA) - Head of the National Food Agency of Indonesia(Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo Adi said on April 4 that the rice assistance programme for citizens is progressing positively, contributing to price control.
As of April 3, the realisation of riceassistance in the first period from January to March 2024 nationally has reached641,000 tonnes.
Adi said the distribution of rice by Bapanas isin accordance with Law No. 18 of 2013 on Food and Presidential Regulation No.66of 2021 on the National Food Agency, which regulate that one of the tasks ofBapanas is maintaining food availability and stability.
He explained that rice assistance, under whichevery beneficiary receives 10kg of the commodity, targets 22 millionbeneficiaries in Indonesia.
The assistance programme had earlier beenimplemented in 2023 in two phases and is continued in 2024 from January-March andmay be continued from April-June if the State budget is still able to supportit.
President Joko Widodo also saidthe rice assistance could be continued until December if the budget issufficient./.