Trinh Long Bien, who is also Vice Chairmanof the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission, laid stress onpolitical tasks and requirements concerning Party building in thefuture.
These comprised firmly defending and maintaining theleading role of the Party – the only ruling Party that leads theentire political system – in the period of speeding up the renewalprocess and promoting the development of the market economy thatoperates in line with socialist orientation under State management,while broadening international relations and cooperation, Bien said.
“Theemergence of new opportunities and advantages as well as numerousdifficulties and challenges demand the Party’s examination andinspection be intensified and be taken as an important solution tocontribute to building a pure and strong Party, to successfully lead thecountry’s renewal process,” the official noted.
To that end, thegoal of inspection and examination work must be firmly grasped to play apart in safeguarding the Party’s leading role as well as strengtheningits political firmness, brainpower, and ruling capacity, Bienemphasised.
Degradation in political awareness, ideology, ethicsand lifestyle, bureaucracy, corruption, waste and negativity of Partymembers and state officials must be prevented and ended, Bien said.
Henoted inspection and examination must be carried out publicly, in ademocratic, objective, careful and attentive manner and Party membersand State officials must stand at the forefront and be role models inraising a sense of strictly abiding by the Party’s disciplines as wellas the State’s policies and laws.
Meanwhile, Bien said the Partycommittees at all levels should concentrate on examining the observanceof the Party’s statutes, guidance, resolutions and instructions as wellas the State’s policies and laws.
These Party committees mustinstruct the settlement of pressing cases in their localities and whennecessary stringently punish Party members and State officials in linewith the laws and the Party rules.
Examination and inspection ofpersonnel and organisational work must be intensified to promptly extolmodel officials and Party organisations while giving immediate supportto officials and Party organisations trapped in difficulties.
Thatwill help prevent officials from engaging in negative activities,shortcomings and mistakes in their political firmness, ideology, ethics,lifestyle, and their execution of responsibilities and assigned tasksas well as in the personnel and organisational work, Bien noted.
Healso called for bettering the Party’s leading formulas over inspectionand examination work and giving more power to inspection committees atall levels, as decided by the Political Bureau in its conclusion on astrategy tailored for coordinating and handling inspection, examination,and execution of discipline within the Party./.