The four-day event gathered almost 100 leading producers from HongKong and Taiwan (China), Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Thailand, the UnitedStates and Vietnam.
Co-organised by VCCI ExhibitionService Co Ltd (Vietcham Expo) and Hong Kong’s World Trade Fair Limited,the event helped businesses promote their products and trademarks.
Bui Thuc Anh, Managing Director of Vietcham Expo, said the exhibitionoffers an ideal market for Vietnam ’s jewellery industry andbusiness, and opportunities for domestic enterprises to access worldmarkets.
Director of Hong Kong ’s World Trade FairLtd., B.K. Chow, said the event will help local and internationalproducers explore the latest product designs and seek new suppliers andconsumers.
A huge variety of diamonds and gemstonesand a number of watch collections have been brought to the exhibition bymajor firms including Bestline, Diamond Wear, Glory United, GoldenMaster, Good Way from Hong Kong , Italy ’s Graziella Group,Israel ’s HBS Diamonds-Belisdian, India ’s Fancy Diamond and Kan-chifrom Malaysia .-VNA